Category Archives: Testimonies

Penny Vang’s Testimony Regarding Soua (Tooj Kub) Vang’s Character

If You Have A Couple Of Minutes to Spare, Please Read TW! (Trigger Warning)

I’ve always felt a strong dislike towards him because he wasn’t there for me when I needed someone the most.  I always had to rely on myself to become the person I thought I should be, even though not everyone reached that point in the right way.  It’s frustrating when someone doesn’t provide the necessary support or guidance, especially when it comes to helping your own kids to cope with panic and teaching them mental practices.

Living with a narcissistic father can be challenging and emotionally draining.  Family members may experience a lack of validation and empathy, as their emotions and experiences are often dismissed or belittled.  The focus is typically centered around the narcissistic father, leaving little room for healthy and balanced relationships within the family dynamic. Sound Familiar?

As his behavior fluctuates between different personas, it has become evident to the public that he does not align with the image of a “perfect” individual that he purports to be.  Those closest to him, including his children and romantic partners, endure significant emotional distress as a result of his choices, abusive actions, and other detrimental behaviors.

When children encounter difficulties in school, it is common for the school to reach out to parents.  However, it is often observed that the focus remains on the child’s behavior without delving into the underlying reasons behind their actions.  It is crucial to recognize that a child’s behavior is greatly influenced by the environment provided by their parents or caregivers.  The surroundings, interactions, and experiences within the home significantly impact how a child behaves and responds to various situations.  It is important to acknowledge that every aspect of a child’s life, regardless of their age, holds influence, particularly when it comes to their own parents or guardians.

Every day presented a significant struggle for my siblings, mother, step-mother, and myself as we walked home, despite my father’s claims that he never allowed us to do so. Not only were his words untrue, but he also repeatedly forgot about me, leaving me alone at school until late evening, sometimes as late as 7 PM.  As the youngest child, I became acutely aware of the mistreatment I was enduring at around 8 years old. The trauma inflicted upon me by my father has served as a catalyst for recognizing and rejecting behaviors that are clearly wrong and detrimental to my well-being. Unfortunately, this experience has also burdened me with negative emotions that I wish I had never encountered. While I typically refrain from sharing personal details, I feel compelled to highlight the importance of avoiding individuals who exhibit such harmful behavior. It is crucial to protect oneself from those who seek to control or negatively impact our lives.

Each and every experience that I am able to discuss has had a profound impact on the lives of his children, and potentially his partners as well. These experiences have resulted in the development of anxiety, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), depression, derealization, and symptoms associated with neurodivergence. Not all apply but all are caused by trauma due to the environment I had lived in.

Here are some real life examples I can give you:
Ex. 1: Projecting Insecurity
“You are so lazy. How are you even depressed! YOU DO NOTHING ALL DAY. You are SO useless to me. If you wanted to kill yourself you would have already but you are still here, WHY? IT MAKES NO SENSE!” are words he has said to me but he laughs off to his cousins as they agree. Making me feel like I will never be the kid he wanted me to be, leaving me to feel like I never should have existed in the first place.

Ex. 2: Neglection
During my personal journey through depression, I found myself grappling with the challenges of self-awareness, while simultaneously facing difficulties in maintaining a healthy mental and physical state. Unfortunately, during this time, my father prioritized his own truth over the well-being of his children. Through his actions, which included verbal outbursts, emotional distress, and the imposition of various obstacles, he enforced a misguided notion of “obedience” that involved silencing his children rather than seeking to understand them. In his perspective, he believed he was acting in our best interest, despite the detrimental effects it had on our overall welfare. No matter what was said to get him to understand, his response was always, “No you don’t understand”.

Ex. 3: Peer Pressure
The individual in question would consistently impose the notion of his daughters, particularly myself as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, having children. It is important to recognize that attraction and love are not within our control, and we naturally gravitate towards those we genuinely connect with. Personally, I do not desire to have children, and it becomes deeply unsettling when repeatedly told, “You will have children regardless of your preferences.” This statement instills a sense of fear and apprehension, particularly when my response is a clear and resolute “no.”

The statement, “I don’t separate anyone, you choose to separate me,” signifies a clear understanding on the part of Tooj Kub that the individuals involved no longer wish to be a part of his life. This admission acknowledges his awareness of attempting to exert control over the people he professes to “love.” Furthermore, he acknowledges that he will not initiate any separation unless others choose to separate from him, indicating a willingness to accept such a decision if it were to occur no? Simple statement yet so controlling.

Ex. 4: Anger and Chaos
Irrespective of our location, the individual in question consistently created disruptive and tumultuous situations, regardless of the presence of his own children. Whether it was during car rides or in public spaces within Sacramento, he would engage in heated altercations with other drivers, often refusing to take responsibility for his own mistakes. These instances revealed his inability to exercise self-control in his interactions with others and within his immediate environment. If allowed to persist, the situation would escalate into further chaos. It is important to note that the distress and anguish experienced by those directly affected by this individual, known as Tooj Kub, may remain concealed from external observers.

Ex. 5: Physical Abuse/Inappropriate Eyeing
I was sexually touched when I had gone to sleep with my mother due to fear of the darkness. Till this day, I prefer the bathroom or my own room as my safety net/space because of more events that are similar. I will not go into detail but it gave me even more of a reason to strongly dislike Tooj Kub. The discomfort I also experienced when me and my sisters had our privacy invaded by him during our teenage years after moving to Elk Grove. While we were preparing to go to the public community pool near Sheldon High School, this person disregarded our need for privacy and insisted on keeping the door open, making inappropriate comments such as, “No, you’re my kids, keep the door open, it’s not anything new anyways,” accompanied by a seemingly overly friendly demeanor. It is important to recognize that such behavior is inappropriate and can cause distress, particularly considering the age range at the time, which was between 14 and 22.

Ex. 6: The Freeway Awareness
During my formative years at the age of 8, I began to develop a heightened sense of awareness, which unfortunately led to experiencing fear-induced episodes of crying whenever he would display anger. To provide a more vivid account, I distinctly recall a specific incident where I found myself seated in the backseat of a suburban vehicle. As his anger escalated, my heart raced uncontrollably, causing a deafening sensation in my ears. The overwhelming combination of physical and emotional distress made it difficult to catch my breath and fully comprehend my surroundings, ultimately culminating in a panic attack. In a distressing moment, I found myself confronted with the words, “Be quiet, stop crying, or get out of the car.” As these words pierced my ears, a chilling breeze brushed against my face, leaving me feeling vulnerable and uncertain. The car door opened hesitantly, intensifying my panic and causing a rapid deterioration of my mental well-being and heart condition, all within a mere three seconds. At the tender age of eight, I made the difficult decision to prioritize silence over my own health. Upon arriving home, he threatened to cut my tongue. In an effort to suppress my tears, I resorted to biting my lip instead. The accumulation of unshed tears, which I was not permitted to express, has been significant. I made my skin cry instead, “Would a father do that?”, I asked myself, “I guess so”. Or so I thought.

Ex. 7: Entitlement
I made sincere efforts to communicate with him, aiming not to engage in arguments, but rather to foster understanding. My intention was not to prove a point, but rather to help him comprehend that my mother’s actions were not indicative of infidelity. Instead, she sought solace from a toxic environment after discovering the detrimental impact he had on his own children. It took a considerable amount of time for her children to open up about their experiences, with the eldest not doing so until reaching the age of 30, and the youngest at 18. One would expect a parent to possess a deep understanding of their children’s emotional journeys. However, it was the influence of Tooj Kub in question that instilled fear within us, hindering our ability to freely express ourselves until we reached adulthood. We are the reasons to save our mother now because she gave us the emotional support we always needed. Regardless of all the things I had said to him, his response was, “I AM THE PARENT, YOU ARE THE KID HERE! I don’t need to listen to you. You have no right to speak to me or to talk. You aren’t even a parent yourself. I am more superior to you than you are to me, you are sensitive and WEAK!”. Not so shocking after years and years of this kind of treatment, it sadly became normal.

Ex. 8: Harassment
In instances when my siblings are not present, my father tends to engage in disrespectful conversations, expressing derogatory comments, negative thoughts, and various forms of communication aimed at seeking validation. These behaviors stem from his own insecurities and an inability to cope with solitude. Unfortunately, I recently overheard him discussing me while I was asleep. Woken by his words and loud voice, I approached the stairs. I heard him engaged in a phone conversation, making remarks such as, “Penny leads a purposeless life. I fail to comprehend how someone can exist in such a manner. She spends her days sitting and gaming, neglecting basic household responsibilities like cleaning, cooking, or even engaging in social activities. She spends excessive time conversing with herself through her computer or laptop,” disregarding the fact that there are platforms available to connect with others and form meaningful relationships with friendly and enjoyable individuals.. (etc). The attitude displayed by Tooj Kub in question extends beyond their interactions with me; it also encompasses their treatment of our step-mother, my mother, my siblings, and even the students he coached on the tennis team. Tooj Kub would constantly belittle and criticize the players, expressing their superiority and implying that I, too, was superior to them. Fat shaming, name calling, and more. While this behavior may have become normalized within our family dynamic, it is important to recognize that such negativity is highly inappropriate and would be considered shameful by others who have not been subjected to it. Engaging in tennis activities at the behest of my father was a rare occurrence for me. However, his persistent assertion that I was the superior player became increasingly bothersome. I would never let anyone be treated the way he has treated me and my family.

Ex. 9: Unnecessary Links
Another challenge that Mel, Chesney, and I (mainly me) encountered was the issue of the links that were sent or shown to us. These links often presented a problem, as they either contained incomplete information or were inaccessible altogether. Nuded/naked bodies, r*pe involved, kidnapping tapes, saved videos of p*rn, physical abuse, tape recording, discrimination, domestic violence, animals mating, and other vivid videos we did not need to watch when we were below the ages of 11.

The message in question was the final communication received, containing a series of disturbing links. While it remains unclear whether this was intended as a means to raise awareness among his children, it is important to note that exposing them to excessive negativity may not be conducive to their well-being. It is generally understood that certain aspects of life are inherently common sense, and inundating individuals with an overwhelming amount of negative information may not be beneficial in fostering a healthy perspective.

These examples serve as crucial illustrations intended to provide the public with a glimpse into the complex persona of Tooj Kub. It is important to note that these accounts represent only a fraction of the complete picture. There is a wealth of additional information and experiences that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of my “father.” Despite the limitations of this description, I believe it offers a valuable insight into the perspective and stories of the children involved. I understand that the content may appear extensive, but I trust that those genuinely interested will take the time to read and comprehend it thoroughly.
Clink Here for More.


Chow Vang’s Testimony Regarding Soua (Tooj Kub) Vang’s Character

I am the eldest son. I’ve tolerated him the longest other than my mom. I’ve learned so much much from him throughout the years. Things that I needed to unlearn. He instilled beliefs that are not the norm or shouldn’t be normal. He’s always said trust no one and to always look good for people so that one day they will help you back. These meanings went much much deeper as I observed him growing up. What it really ment was. You can use anyone and everyone. As long as they don’t know the bad side of you they won’t say no. And if you’ve already done something for them, they’re more obligated to do something for you. His ability to manipulate was amazing. At least until he couldn’t. Those who he couldn’t manipulate, he cut off or try to discredit. Better to not have a threat around or to make it so that arnt a threat. He definitely knows how to not trust anyone. I built myself to counter everything he is though through observing so much all these years, I’ve picked up on how to manipulate. I’ve even picked up a bit of his narcissistic traits. But unlike him who uses it to benefit himself, I use it to benefit others at my own sacrifice. And this right here will sound a lot like him when I say, everything I do, I do for others. And when I’m not doing things for other’s, I’m working on myself and trying to grow and unlearn what he’s taught me.

Now let me expose his main abilities

How can you say no to him when he’s done something for you before

How can you say no when he’s playing the victim

How can you stand up to him when he has so many (unknowing) people backing him

He’s built up this whole image just to use people. To control people. To manipulate people.

With out this control he’s trying to get it back. Especially because he’s so used to it. What dictator wants to give up control? And for 30+ years at that.

For the people who know him for his past. Just know he really only did it for him. He needed to gather believers to stay in power. And now he wants to overthrow the Hmong leaders?

For all of you who are doing as he says knowing who he is. Our family completely understands you. He must be holding something over your head. Or he’s paying you. It’s easy to break free from him. Just stop giving him his power. Attention. He lives off of attention.

I honestly this this whole thing is dumb. Letting his negativity still pour out to everyone. Letting his attention give him power. If we all just ignored him no matter what he did. He’d honestly probably unalive himself. I’ve already moved past him. He doesn’t have any power over me anymore. I wasn’t even going to write this but my sister asked me to.

In conclusion, he is a narcissist and an idiot who cares only for looks and money. He trust no one and uses everyone. And we are free. Only thing left now is my moms house he’s so desperately holding on to. But really. What’s the use of having things when there’s no one to share it with.

I do wish he could’ve been the father we all needed. We all tried talking to him at some point. But what do we know right? We’re “just kids”.

His main phrases

You don’t understand or don’t know
The kids don’t know anything
Where’s the proof
One day you’ll learn
If your a good person then..
Only bad people do this..

Ps. As a child he stabbed my hand with a pen. I think I was 5.


Chesney Vang’s Testimony Regarding Soua (Tooj Kub) Vang’s Character

So that Chesney’s testimony can more easily be found, we’ve copied and past it below, and this LINK will take you directly to the section where she responded as a comment to Sydney’s testimony.

I wanted to keep this simple, but there is no way that I can.
I am the second youngest daughter of this man, Soua, and I came to speak on my own volition after seeing some things that my biological father has been posting. All I want to share is my experience growing up and living with this family has been like.

The first moments I found out that there was something off and evil about my father was when I was around the age of eight years old or so. All I remember from this first moment is that my mom was working all day and my dad had to sleep and rest before his graveyard shift. My younger sibling and I were just children so we would be a little loud in the house. The first thing my father resorted to do to stop of from being loud was verbally threatening us to shut up or he will beat us up. My sister and I then began to cry out of fear. Crying had only made the situation worse because he was so close to beating us up that we had to suck up our own 7 and 8 year old tears.

The second moment I discovered there was something off with my dad was the first day I witnessed him physically abusing both of my mothers. I was too young to understand what was happening, but all I knew was that I was afraid and sad to see my own father beat two of what he calls his “lovers” up like punching bags. At this moment, I understood how little he cared about his family.

Since then, I observed and learned how patient, respectful, and sweet my mother, Va, is and how evil, deceiving, and manipulating my father is. For years from when I was very young, I’ve watched him smile, laugh, and boast about what a great man he is to his relatives. Every time we would visit a relative, all he would talk about is himself and do his best to spread word about his achievements and about how “great” of a man he was (from what I remember). For years, I’ve watched him master manipulation and use psychological tricks to make people think he is a man of goodness, and he’s succeeded to trick everyone into thinking whatever HE WANTED THEM TO THINK. It is why when you try to talk to this man he is always smiling and laughing. He believes it is a way for people to believe he is a nice guy. From my own speculation, this man only cares about having a positive reputation. He would smile and please people outside of the family and treated his own family like trash at home.

This man does not know how to raise children, for he has never been a supportive person and only proud when one of his children does something good because it makes him look better from the outside. Personally, he has never been there for me or for the other children at all. He treated us like pets and slaves. He bribed us with candy to do good things like an owner to a dog.

He once told me that his only purpose of having children was to make them take care of him when he becomes old. He says that we should be grateful he brought us to this world, but he forgets to add that he means we should be grateful he brought us to this world to serve at his feet in order to benefit him and his selfish desires. He also once told me he would use me to make him rich only because of two acting auditions I did well with at the age of 13.

As you can see, this man does not have a care in the world about his family at all. He is so immature and irresponsible that he cannot even solve this issue on his own like a grown, mature man. He instead makes this a big deal and involves other people into this mess so that he’s not alone and to make him look better. I’ve also learned that this man is chronically incapable of taking responsibility for his own behavior. Never in my life have I ever heard him take fault or responsibility for anything he has done. He only ever pretends to not know what he’s done just to sound innocent. It is the reason why he can only complain and explain what “bad things” the family has done to him and not WHY his family has done things to him. His trick is to hide what he’s done and to expose and share what the family has done to him in response to his actions, putting my mom and my siblings in a bad light for people who don’t know who he is.

Now, about my mom.
My mom. She is the sweetest, most kind, patient, loving, and respectful person I’ve ever met. No other person’s goodness can compare to hers. She is forgiving and accepting. My mom has chosen the goodness in her heart to provide the most perfect life for her children the best way that she could. She decided to endure pain, jealousy, bruises, and other sorts of suffering and torture for almost 50 years of her life for the sake of peace, happiness, and neutrality. I still don’t know enough about my mom and her sufferings because she has kept them to herself for all these years to keep my peace and happiness. There is not much to say about her besides that she persistently chooses peace and respect over hatred and revenge.

Two more things I have to say before I end this reply. My sister, Hnubci, is the bravest and smartest sibling in the family. I’d like to defend only once that she would never do drugs. Through thick and thin, through terrible parenting and struggle, she has always stayed tough for herself. She is the first and only child to have had a full college education. She has achieved this with her own dedication and determination to become the best version of herself always. I do not appreciate my own father talking down on our second best role model. Besides my mom, Hnubci was practically the second, real teacher for at least the three youngest siblings.
Another thing I don’t appreciate is the way my father is sharing private information to the public like this. I can only think this is his evil plan and attempt to make my mom’s life even more miserable than it has been for the past 50 years of her life. It is a vengeful attack because he cannot and will not ever believe he’s done anything wrong since he believes that he’s so perfect. This man suffers narcissism and egoism. I can only say this from experiencing what he is like. I do not expect anyone to believe me. I just expect that you accept my words.

My final thought to conclude this message is that this man has chased away his own family due to bad parenting, mistrust, deceit, physical abuse and because he refuses to believe he’s ever wrong. I never felt safe being around this man since I was 8 years old.
